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Pocketshop Release

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Wir freuen uns, unser neuestes Softwareprodukt Pocketshop vorzustellen. Kundenloyalität lohnt sich: Es kostet fünfmal mehr, neue Kundinnen und Kunden zu gewinnen, als die Bestands-Kundschaft zu… Weiterlesen »Pocketshop Release

Corona App

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The current corona crisis affects us all. That’s why we joined a team of experts and jointly developed an app to fight the Covid-19 epidemic.… Weiterlesen »Corona App

New app: Itsme

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We congratulate our customers Bliggfang e.U. To release their first social media app Itsme. Find out who’s around you in your environment, and get to… Weiterlesen »New app: Itsme

Apps on Amazon app store

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You can also find some of our apps on amazon store:   http://www.amazon.de/s?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Mobile+Software+Solutions+Knoll+e.U.&index=mobile-apps&search-type=ss

Project: Cast Browser

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CastBrowser is a App for Android and Google Chrome. It allows you to open Websites (no streaming) on Google Chromecast. Happy streaming Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfknoll.cast.browser… Weiterlesen »Project: Cast Browser